Légal information


This website is the property of the company LA FONDERIE CHAROLLAISE. The company has capital of EUR 193,430 and is registered in the MACON Commercial and Companies Register under number B 329 642 151 and has its registered office in Génelard, France. Tel.: + 33 3 85 79 27 55.

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LA FONDERIE CHAROLLAISE endeavours to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools. However, it may not be held liable for errors, a lack of availability of information and/or any viruses present on its website.

The information made available by LA FONDERIE CHAROLLAISE is intended for information purposes only.

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The general structure and the texts, animated or non-animated images and all other elements present on this website, including in particular the services and products listed, are the exclusive property of LA FONDERIE CHAROLLAISE. This includes those elements for which LA FONDERIE CHAROLLAISE possesses rights of use that facilitate distribution and communication.

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Finally, LA FONDERIE CHAROLLAISE assumes no responsibility for any hypertext links provided on this website that refer to other internet sources.

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